5 simple steps to detox

Did you go a little overboard this silly season? Time for a little detox and self-love? Here are a few simple tips to clean up your act and your liver: Grapefruit essential oil* – great for supporting to detox, particularly after a little too much alcohol…...

Soda and the art of being alkaline

Before I begin I want you to just take a moment to reflect on the language we use around natural therapies. For instance – did you know it is ILLEGAL to suggest that something natural can cure or treat disease. It doesn’t matter if you used to had cancer...

Is your teenager talking?

I’ve had a bit of an epiphany. Relationships may not be my strong point, but I’ve been doing some reflecting lately on how people communicate and react. When things don’t go your way, how do you react? When you’re stressed or challenged, how do...

Nourishing YOU

It starts with you…   There are so many things we “should” be doing and we always put ourselves last. You can’t fill another person’s bucket with nothing in your own to give… But it’s more than that…it’s not about...

Why I use doTERRA Essential Oils

Story #1: A friend of mine’s daughter had nightmares. Really, really, out of the ordinary, horrific nightmares. They tried everything. Hypnosis, doctors, mental health, diets. EVERYTHING. The only reason my friend tried essential oils was because there was...

Daring to be Seen

So a friend posted on facebook this week a delicious dinner she had prepared – chicken pieces tossed in some green banana flour and fried up in coconut oil. 100% healthy and delicious. Of course a dietician jumped in to berate her about how she should not be...