Every Little Emergency

Every Little Emergency

Every Little Emergency… as parents we have them daily right? How do you prepare? There are a zillion decisions to make every day… it feels like more! Did you know we have a limited capacity for decision-making? Just choosing your clothes takes about 16% of your...
My COVID Health 2020

My COVID Health 2020

So here we all are. It’s 2020 and life got really intense. For me, I am axious, but not about a virus. Don’t get me wrong – I’m not being selfish about spreading disease, I am sitting at home obeying the law. I already home-schooled my kids. I...
What is Your Health Costing You?

What is Your Health Costing You?

What is your Health costing you?   What if you could have more time in your day? Hours in your week? What if we could just be healthier more days of the year? And feel good. Energised. Motivated. HAPPY! Yay! What does sickness cost you and your family in time and...
Nature vs Nurture revisited – an energetic approach

Nature vs Nurture revisited – an energetic approach

Nature vs Nurture: that old thing Nature vs Nurture: It’s genetic…or is it? I hear ot all the time…”I can’t do anything, it’s genetic.” But is this in fact true? Nature vs nurture. I was asked this question again recently. It’s an...
Sick of the Sickness Cycle and Snotty Noses?

Sick of the Sickness Cycle and Snotty Noses?

Sickness Cycle Central! Do you have kids that are just constantly snotty and miserable? Do they catch one thing after another? Are you TIRED of all that? If your answer was no, there are two alternatives – either your kids aren’t sick. (YAY!) Or they are...
Natural First Aid

Natural First Aid

Have you wondered how to create a more natural first aid kit? Are you wondering how you can be better prepared to manage the little health crises that pop up when you have small kids? Here are my favourites to always have on hand…
