MLM – wouldn’t be caught dead!

Many people seem to feel that MLMs are the pox of the business world. Just this week I have heard someone say: “I sell this great product, and it’s not an MLM…” Ironically this person was at a NETWORKING event, to promote and MARKET her...

Gratitude – A Lesson in Spikenard

A New Oil DoTERRA have released a new oil: Spikenard. It is like no other Spikenard on the market. It is the perfect example of the degree to which doTERRA research and explore the therapeutic properties of an essential oil. Every other Spikenard on the market has...

Antibiotic Alternatives

Antibiotics and Modern Medicine I was asked today about the uses of antibiotics, and why one might prefer not to use them. Are there good alternatives? Is it ok to give to babies? Whilst we have much to be grateful for in modern medicine, I feel it’s time to...

The Power of Smell – Aromatic-Kinesiology Reveals

The Power of Smell Smell is pretty well under-rated in my opinion. Did you know the chemicals you inhale as fragrance go directly to the core of your brain – to the amygdala, the centre of emotion and memory. That’s pretty powerful potential for a simple...

Painkillers and Alternatives

A word on painkillers… So I get a little upset when people are scared to use essential oils during pregnancy. I shouldn’t, but hey, I’m human. Why do I get upset? Because the stuff that you trust instead – I don’t trust. We are taught to...