Gratitude – A Lesson in Spikenard

A New Oil DoTERRA have released a new oil: Spikenard. It is like no other Spikenard on the market. It is the perfect example of the degree to which doTERRA research and explore the therapeutic properties of an essential oil. Every other Spikenard on the market has...

The Power of Smell – Aromatic-Kinesiology Reveals

The Power of Smell Smell is pretty well under-rated in my opinion. Did you know the chemicals you inhale as fragrance go directly to the core of your brain – to the amygdala, the centre of emotion and memory. That’s pretty powerful potential for a simple...

Daring to be Seen

So a friend posted on facebook this week a delicious dinner she had prepared – chicken pieces tossed in some green banana flour and fried up in coconut oil. 100% healthy and delicious. Of course a dietician jumped in to berate her about how she should not be...

Inheriting Emotional Stress

I can’t decide. I can’t decide if this post is going to blow your mind or be like ‘yeah, duh’. I have been thinking about epigenetics. I seem to think about it a lot. Epigenetics is our ability to turn genes on and off. If you can remember back...

Speaking with Love

When I first started working in the lab many years ago genetics was THE thing. The genome was just being sequenced and we were going nuts trying to find genes responsible for every known human condition or disease. It was pretty ground-breaking stuff, but as with all...

Saying YES to Courage – 3 Easy Steps

We all have our insecurities. We do. We have doubts and fears. That’s ok – we’re human. The deciding factor for a life lived with no regrets isn’t the degree or number of hard situations we face, it’s how we step up and face them. Feel...