I can’t decide. I can’t decide if this post is going to blow your mind or be like ‘yeah, duh’.

I have been thinking about epigenetics. I seem to think about it a lot. Epigenetics is our ability to turn genes on and off. If you can remember back to my post about Gregg Braden’s book (or refresh your memory). He talks about experiments that have shown our thoughts and feelings can change our DNA….even our DNA that has been removed from our person and is in a test tube in another room.

So that’s pretty amazing stuff. But what does this really mean? We think of genetics as determining the colour of our eyes. Suddenly genetics is wayyy more interesting than eye colour because our THOUGHTS change our DNA. Potentially, we can inherit the genetic changes caused by the thoughts and feelings from our parents, grandparents…great grand parents and so on. Geez, that’s a whole lot of baggage!

My father was born right at the end of the Second World War. My grandfather fought in that war. He rarely spoke of it, but I know that at one point he was a gunner, shooting planes down. At one point he was a driver for the general – driving him to and from The Front. The day my grandfather was off duty with sciatica that car was bombed. Yep. He was here there and everywhere throughtout the war – perhaps he never spoke of it cause It was just too damn confusing. My guess is that with all these experiences he thought and felt a lot…so what did he pass down to my father and to me?

Have you thought about what your parents’ have passed to you? Do you believe that your great great grandmother has passed down her feelings of grief or your great great great grandfather his feelings after he was abused? When I said a whole lot of baggage I wasn’t kidding – that’s a lot to deal with on top of your own life and stresses!

Verdict? Mind blown? Yeah duh.

Whilst it all sounds a little hard to believe, the science is now there. So what do we do to peel back some of the onion layers? I have had some recent experiences of this with a really skilled kinesiologist. I suggest you get a recommendation for someone truly amazing – you are working with many generations of energy that needs to be cleared and corrected. And be prepared for it to be a process – no quick fixes here.

Ready to reprogram? It’s a pretty exciting prospect…




