So the problem with raising kids, from pre-pregnancy to birth and …well, all of it. The problem is you don’t know what you don’t know. Seriously, you are sooo blissfully ignorant of all the decisions you are about to face – you have no idea! That’s no a bad thing, the problem is finding the right info at the right time. Most people who give up on breastfeeding do it because they don’t get the support they need when they really need it. There’s a lot of info out there and getting the right advice for you can be, well…tricky.

It was only after I discovered my 3yo had unnaturally crowded teeth that I explored dental development. Know what I learnt? Diet is a big factor. I’m not talking my daughter’s diet, or breastfeeding vs bottle – diet pre-conception and in-utero determines if your child has enough of all the right nutrients to develop healthy teeth and a wide palate. By the time she was born it was…well to put it bluntly, too late.

So, what do you do? If you don’t know what you don’t know, how the heck do you figure out WHAT you need to know, let alone WHERE to find a good, trusted source of information? Exactly my reason for creating the Fertility, baby & beyond Event – I have collected together a panel of experts who can offer you their advice and expertise. If baby hasn’t even arrived yet you might still not know which bits are going to be relevant for you on your journey, but at the very least you have an idea of the people out there who can help you on your quest.

The beauty of this event is not only do you get to listen to a range of professional guest speakers, you get to mingle and chat with them, you get to take home discount vouchers for a range of pregnancy and baby services…it is going to be an amazing adventure into exploring your options. Seriously – you do NOT want to miss this.


Postscript: The May 2015 event was a huge success and will be repeated approximately 6-monthly – next one to be held Nov 2015. If you’d like to stay up to date with what’s going on, shoot me an email and I’ll add you to my newsletter (when I get around to creating it…soon!). 
