I have found the most amazing new vitamin & mineral supplement.

Why is it amazing? Firstly, it’s considered therapeutic grade. What does this mean? It means it’s like the metagentics you can get only from your naturopath here in Aus – the TGA believe it’s too potent for us to be able to use sensibly ourselves and so we should be getting through a naturopath. So from this we can assume that ANYTHING available at the supermarket or health food shop in Australia is NOT therapeutic …?? (You draw your own conclusions.)

40-50million cells (billion?…lots) die every second in the body. So ask yourself: what are we replenishing these cells with? Here’s another thought: we ALL have “cancer” in our bodies. Every single one of us have damaged cells. If we don’t give our bodies the right nourishment to be able to deal with rogue cells, guess what happens?

Not only that, but soil in Australia is known to be deficient in at least 7 essential minerals – so where do we get them? Do you eat 10-15 serves of fruit and veg a day? That’s what you’ll be needing to get enough vitamins and minerals…and from a source where the soil is perfect so good luck with that!

So, what makes the my stuff so awesome?

#1. It is formulated from WHOLEFOODS, so these are readily absorbed by the body in their natural, functional (non-synthetic) states.

#2. they are formulated to be at the levels our body needs – even if you don’t go buying synthetic junk vitamins, the mega-doses in some of them can be as detrimental as being deficient. The ones I use are formulated to be the quantities you need, how your body needs it.

Ironically, I can’t tell you what this product is. So if I’ve piqued your curiousity you’re just going to have to get in touch and ask!
Some tips on how to take supplements:
-with healthy fats to increase absorption;
-with a glass of water to help activate the nutrients,
-with a meal to help digestion and to stop feeling off in tummy and
-preferably with a drink of ACV or lemon juice 10 minutes before the meal to increase digestion.