Top 5 Essential Oils for Winter

So you’ve heard of the KISS principle? Keep It Super Simple. Here are some really simple ways to boost your immune system this winter.

Firstly, I bang on about gut health all the time and here’s why: 80% of your immunity comes from your gut. So look after it already! Winter is a great time to be rustling up some casseroles with bone broth. Load your bacon and egg breakfast up with sauerkraut. Not into sauerkraut? Buy some good quality probiotics.

If you’re going to take vitamin C you need to look for Sodium Ascorbate, ditch the rest. Zinc is important for immunity, but let’s face it, we are generally vitamin and mineral deficient in all areas now that we have overused most of our agricultural land. I choose to use a fab multi that is therapeutic grade but I can purchase myself at wholesale prices (yay!). I’m happy to tell you how to get it wholesale so get in touch if you’re interested. Whatever your choose, the most important thing is make sure it’s not synthetic and in appropriate doses.

And then…

Go nuts with your 5 top Essential Oils for Winter!

Here are mine:

Lemon. Not only does it taste amazing on half a teaspoon of unprocessed honey*, it is great for soothing an irritated throat. Know why you can’t take antibiotics for your cold or flu? Yep, it’s a virus. Personally I grab myself some lemon oil, dilute in carrier oil and apply to my throat, the soles of my feet and diffuse through the house to help cleanse the air.

Protective blend. Sounds good right? Damn straight. This blend is great for supporting immune function. Smells amazing too with that uplifting blend of Wild Orange, Cinnamon and Clove…perfect for making the whole house smell amazing. Alternatively you can dilute in carrier oil and rub on the soles of your feet.

Respiratory Blend. OMG – amazeballs is all I have to say. THIS is the oil that converted my husband to using natural solutions (ever the sceptic). When I started using oils my kids had just caught flu. I applied this blend to their chests – it’s fantastic for maintining clear airways. Hubby watched me apply it to the kids – his jaw dropped at the results. Husband converted.

Peppermint. So this little beauty has so many uses – alleviates stomach upset, promotes healthy respiratory function… not to mention makes great peppermint fudge. MMmmmm…but I digress. Peppermint if fab for helping clear breathing – a single drop on the thumb applied to the roof of the mouth is how I like to apply it for this purpose.*

Oregano is a powerful cleanser and purifier, melaleuca is pretty good for seasonal threats too. (and which is the best oil for supporting accurate counting to 5 you may now ask?!)

Did you know that it’s estimated 90% of ear infections that receive antibiotics would have resolved themselves without antibiotics. I’m sure it’s true of most things – our body has an immune system for a reason. It’s a natural mechanism we use to fight disease. Given the right nutrients and care we aren’t too bad at it, but we never give our bodies the time and rest they deserve to find out. We get sick, we go to the Dr and get something. Noooooo!

I heard a fantstic radio interview not that long ago – a General Medicine MD was discussing what causes people to enter hospital and the struggles to then give them enough care to leave. I digress, but the interesting fact I gleened from this intervew was this: 30% of general medicine cases are as a result of medication (side-effects, interactions, etc). Seriously – medicine puts 30% of the people in hospital where they are! So my point is don’t be in a hurry to medicate for the small stuff. I am not anti-medicine. Medicine would be brilliant if it were used properly and appropriately. We have HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of people dying from drug-resistant bacterial every year, we need to start saving the effective medicines we have left for the cases that really need them!

So here’s what I believe it should look like for your average healthy person:

Get sick.

Eat nourishing food.

Support your body’s natural healing abilities with essential oils.

Stay hydrated.

Sleep it off.



*Please educate yourself around appropriate uses of essential oils. This is based solely on what I would do for myself and my family, you need do your own research and make your own educated decisions. Contact me with any questions or if you’d like to know how you can start using essential oils to support your family health (and get wholesale prices!!).

