So some people might argue I’m a bit biased about the whole essential oil thing, or a bit anti-mainstream. Let me share a little about my journey so far and then see what you think.

I started using essential oils in July last year. I didn’t know anything about oils, essential or otherwise really. I had finished my qualifications to teach Infant Massage and thought that massage oils and essential oils all seemed to tie together…sort of. I signed up with a kit of ten oils and thought WHEN would I EVER use ten oils, I didn’t even know how to use one!

I ran out of oils in about 2 months.

I have used them for supporting hormone balance, protecting against seasonal threats, for clearing airways and …well, just about everything. Even my husband is convinced – they work.

BUT what comes next just blows my mind. I start to learn about the emotional power of these oils. The intuitive healing that can occur when we allow our inner voice to guide us. Seriously, now I know I sound like I’m from another planet, but the energetic shift in me as a person is UNDENIABLE.

I love my kids, but after 4.5years of breastfeeding and no sleep I have been more than sucked dry. I was a shadow of the shell of the person I was. Seriously. For a week and I went to workshop after workshop to learn about spiritual and emotional healing with oils and after one week, just one, I was human again. I was dancing Aromatic oil-dressing dances with my kids every morning. I was smiling and singing and bouncing around the house cooking dinner – I’m NOT kidding.

Not only that but the sense of community and love and positivity that surrounds me in my oily family is like none I’ve ever experienced. It’s a company built on the premise of service to others, not profit. It’s a company built on love and giving and integrity.

OK, so back to all this Emotional Development stuff – here are some things that I learnt on this amazing journey, and you know the best thing? I know there is more to come and I am SO DAMN EXCITED!

Frankincense – Who doesn’t love Frank? He is the King of oils and I love him to bits. Frankincense is like getting a great big warm hug. It centres us, grounding us and reconnects us to our true path. Frank is all about connection as it also connects us to the higher power, the higher chakras (above ourselves) and also is great for connecting to others. Annoint yourself with a drop of Frank on the top of your head and open that connection, feel your energy restored by the ever-abundant universal energy that flows into you.

Geranium – Restoring confidence in the innate goodness of others, Geranium is great for restoring trust and re-establishing parental bonds. Geranium is of the heart chakra – it helps to heal a broken heart and assists in reopening the heart so that love may flow freely. It is gentle and great for children.

Lime -When you have been weighed down by life, discouragement, grief, Lime can elevate and restore your zest for life. Lime helps cleanse the heart, providing new space for love and joy.

Cypress – Creates energetic flow and emotional catharsis, teaching the soul how to let go of the past and go with the flow of life. Cypress allows us to enjoy the thrill of just being alive and trusting in the natural flow of all things.

If you want to know about a specific oil or specific emotional issue, get in touch.

If you want to read more about oils, go ahead, I have plenty more exciting info to share! I can also help you get your own oils for wholesale prices – sooo much joy!

