So I’ve had a few disappointment and stresses of late. We all do. I personally think we need to start an awareness – a collective shift toward NOT accepting that stress and pressure is part of modern life. If it is a part, it should be a very small part.

Did you know that we are supposed to use our stress response – that fight or flight adrenalin response – 1% of the time. In western society it is now estimated most people run somewhere between 95-99% of the time on fight or flight. Going to get messy when we all hit that wall!

I’d like my kids to learn about balance in their lives. I’d also like them to learn to manage their stresses, disappointments and frustrations, but I’m not sure I’m always the best example. So in our house, we created a tool. We created a picture board of what we can do if we feel down, disappointed, frustrated or angry. We have pictures of music, dancing, breathing, prayer, talking/sharing our feelings. My daughter is very good at referring me to it!

So you’ve had a rubbish day, your kids are off the wall at witching hour. Or you’ve just got some bad news and can’t find the next steps to move forward – what are your favourite pick me ups? How do you regroup? Here are my 6 top ways to pick yourself back up, including a few you may not have thought of:

  1. Water. Did you know that dehydration can increase your cortisol (stress hormones)? Let’s face it, we are 70% water, so at some point we have to keep ourselves topped up to keep functioning at our best. I love to add a few drops of lemon juice or Grapefruit essential oil, with the added benefit of helping the body detox.
  2. I just had to throw this one in here – apparently cashews can help ward off depression. Personally I prefer them wrapped in some dark chocolate – added bonus of antioxidants and deliciousness and the perfect pick me up in my book!
  3. Essential oils have amazing properties. Research has shown that Lavender oil can significantly reduce cortisol levels. Throw a few drops in your Epsom salt bath, diffuse or get your partner to give you a massage.
  4. SMILE! Even just fake smiling can make a change to your mood chemistry. Make your face smile and the rest of you follows the prompt. You might feel like an idiot, but hey, that’s where the laughter kicks in! Win-win!
  5. Breathe. I know, you never actually stopped so why tell you to start breathing? Take the time to focus on it. Slow it down and count the seconds of each breath. Not only will you be calmer, the issue of what you’re really feeling and why might suddenly become clear. Solutions obvious.
  6. ATT. What is ATT? AromaTouch Technique – a light-touch massage that uses essential oils to bring the body back into homeostasis. I am yet to find anyone who has an ATT treatment not feel absolutely amazing afterward. Trust me you’ll feel centred, relaxed, alert and alive. Any massage is therapeutic of course, but with the addition of powerful essential oils along the natural energy meridians of the body…amazeballs!

I’d love to find a healthier, happier lifestyle for you and your family. Write in. Let’s find natural solutions that work, tailored specifically for you.
