In my last post I talked of the work I’m doing to move forward from my Emotional Healing. I’m learning skills in being positive, in setting goals, in affirming and loving myself. I was frustrated for a long time that I felt I knew I needed change but just couldn’t figure out how to move forward with it. The Emotional Healing work helped of course, but what I really needed were little daily habits to keep me afloat. People would say “find time to meditate and do yoga” which I agree would be fabulous. But I have 2 small children – ’nuff said?

This stuff is new to me so I’m sure I’ll be sharing more as I go, but here are 5 daily steps you CAN take, even with small kids! Just snippets of time is all you need and you can make your 2016 a more positive year – filled with joy, success and personal growth.

It is no more than small daily habits that will lead us to greatness.


1> Mirror work.

Have you ever tried mirror work? It’s amazing. Powerful. You can do it in only a few minutes a day. Go and look at yourself in the mirror – look deep into your own eyes and repeat after me: “I love you….I really love you…” (feel free to insert your own name). Another one you can try, particularly if you have a family history of victim mentality: “Life loves REALLY loves you”.

Do it. Believe it. You are more than enough so stop hiding that sparkling you inside.

2> Affirmations.

Louise Hay is a great resource of course but just start with something simple: “Life is a gift and I choose to live each day with joy and gratitude”. Feel free to say it to yourself in the mirror while you’re there doing your mirror work. I tend to end up having a chat to myself about stepping into each day with courage or whatever is resonating for me at the time – start basic and see how you go…

3> Read.

Just spend 10 minutes a day reading something that will help you grow. Personal development books, motivational materials. Listen to audio books in the car or a Louise Hay meditation before bed. It’s about spending time developing YOU in a positive, inspiring way – it only takes small steps every day to lead to greatness, I promise.

I know after the kids are in bed you’re exhausted. Heck I’ve just started getting sleep after 5 years of being woken every 2 hrs. I TOTALLY get it. Just 10min before bed. Take your kindle and your journal (see #5) and go spend some time with yourself. It’s doing a little every day and creating the habit that is important…

4> Aromatic dressing.

Movement in general is key. You have to move, prefereably with joy or silliness or gusto. Get up and move and find the joy and the laughter. Just 10 minutes a day, preferably being silly with the kids.

What is Aromatic dressing then? Aromatic dressing is when you do it with essential oils – choose some oils that resonate with you (maybe Ginger, The Oil of Empowerment…Bergamot, The Oil of Self Acceptance) add a drop to some carrier oil in a bowl and after your shower, apply over your body while dancing…ok, it might sound crazy and you may say “You first!”. You’ll be the first to know when I’ve made the video, but in the meantime, give it a try and have fun! Laughing at yourself is totally ok…necessary really. For life. For joy. For contentment.

5> Journalling/goal setting.

You have to write things down. If you spend some time regularly writing your goals you’ll not only be clear about where you’re headed, you’ll be aware when the opportunnity comes up that will take you that step closer. Writing allows you to get specific about where the issues are and where you’re struggling. It helps you clarify what’s going on in your own head and only then will you find your way forward.


These tools are simple yet powerful. I honestly want you to have the life-changing experiences that have happened for me and many others who I have met on my doTERRA and healing journey. If I can assist you with book recommendations, oils, ANYTHING, just get in touch. Whatever you do, don’t feel you are alone. I am telling you that you’re anything but and I’m willing to put my hand up first. Let’s make 2016 truly amazing!


