Are you one of those people that is feeling like you’re doing it all?

Are you unsupported?

Are you a striving perfectionist?

Or do you just struggle to release control…?

Ouch, did that hurt?

I have done a lot of healing the last few years. I felt unsupported – truly gut-wrenchingly alone when my kiddies were little. The one time I asked for something from someone close to me I was told how selfish I am. Ouch.

But I knew on some level I must have created at least part of the issue and I really did have healing to do – why did I feel so alone? Was the support really not there or was I pushing it away? Was I looking for it in all the wrong places?

The answer is probably D, all of the above.

We all have stuff right? (If you answered no you may want to a. think again or b. find another blog to read LOL) We do, generations of it. We carry hurt and trauma in our DNA. We collect it in our childhood. So when you are struggling trying to “do it all” or feeling “unsupported” or for any deep emotional issue the same rules apply – there is work to be done to clear it! But you CAN clear it.

What I have acheived for myself with kinesiology is nothing short of miraculous. What I have achieved for my clients is heart-warming and powerful. I can’t even describe how blessed I feel to read after only ONE session with me: “My emotions and baggage that I have been carrying for over a decade have shifted to the surface and released with harmony. Even though I was the only other physical body with you my whole family has received healing. I cannot express enough how grateful I feel ..”

Now I’m not suggesting that when you clear your feelings of being unsupported or carrying “the load” that your fairy God-mother rocks up to do the dishes for you. But what I am saying is that clearing the emotional baggage allows us to:

  1. view out situation more objectively
  2. feel more free and calm without the underlying hurt or resentment
  3. find solutions because we are no longer blocking our healing or turning away solutions to stay in victim mode (or whatever our sabotaging patterns may be)

I have obviously chosen only one issue out of potentially thousands in this post, but same rules apply – clear the root causes and you will have more objectivity and more ability to move forward and find solutions. I know, I’ve walked this road.

The change in me…profound. I have peace and find it easier to stay calm. I can be rational and objective in the face of others being triggered or in a state of reaction. I don’t take so many things personally (ok, there’s still work to be done LOL) because I know we all carry this stuff and as I release it in me I can see it more clearly in you and I have empathy. I have walked this road so that I can show you the way.

Now its your turn. Your time.
