Show me a parent that doesn’t want sleep tips and I’ll show you the rarest species on the planet. I feel like I have special status in this arena as my son didn’t sleep more than two hours together for nearly two years. He was my second child so I am well rehearsed in sleep deprivation. There are many things I wish I had known sooner:

  1. Tongue ties – I suspect that this was linked for my son – an inability to feed properly without tiring is important for a bub to sleep longer than 2hrs between feeds. Don’t get me wrong, I’m totally fine with 2 hourly feeds in a newborn, this is natural for many babies. But by age 2 you’re kinda over it and thinking there’s got to be something else going on.
  2. Melatonin – there are some genetic predispositions that preclude from being able to produce sufficient levels of melatonin that’s needed for good sleep. For most of us some time in the sun during the day should be sufficient assistance, for a few it just isn’t.
  3. Sometimes kids just need cuddles and comfort isn’t a bad thing. I don’t expect my daughter to still be in my bed at 15, but she’s often there now at 5 and that’s ok. She’s highly sensitive and needs comfort – I want to offer what she needs now so long-term she develops with confidence and a solid sense of security.
  4. If I could go back and talk to myself when my first was a newborn, I would honestly say: forget the books, event the helpful, natural ones. Your kids have their own body clock, their own needs, and it won’t be forever, so just hang in there and stop trying to “fix” everything!

Tips and tricks for bedtime:

  1. Magnesium salt baths – magnesium is an important mineral for muscle relaxation so throw some in the bath each night
  2. Sunshine before 12 – it’s said that fresh air, sunshine and exercise before midday is your best bet for a good night’s sleep. Personally I think anytime is great but before 12 is more closely connected with cirrcadian rhythm regulation and melatonin production. The sun actually suppresses melatonin production, so getting sunshine helps turn it off and regulate a more effective circadian rhythm for night-time sleep.
  3. Ditch the night light – it’s important for children to experience complete darkness to get a good night’s sleep
  4. ESSENTIAL OILS!! You need these little beauties in your arsenal for sure. Here are some of my favourite combinations:
    1. Ylang Ylang + Juniper Berry + Bergamot
    2. Frankincense + Lavender + Wild Orange
    3. Vetiver + Lavender + Juniper Berry
    4. Cedarwood on the big toe

Why the big toe? It is the reflex point for the head. Essential oils work with the body to bring it back into balance, so when the body needs sleep there are many oils that will encourage a good night’s worth. Juniper Berry is known to be great for nightmares; Vetiver and Cedarwood for their deep sedative qualities. Anything in the woody/earthy department will be calming, just be sure to have a really top-quality brand to get maximal therapeutic benefit (and no toxic synthetic additives!).

Essential oils can be part of a larger bedtime routine and an anchor. By this I mean if you use the same combination there will be an association. Just like reading a bedtime story will prepare the kids to know it’s bedtime, smelling the same oils each night will be a signal too, and their bodies will know it’s time to wind down in addition to the biochemical effects.

If you would like to learn more about oils for sleep, or kids health in general, be sure to get in touch! These little gems of nature have totally changed my life and I would be honoured to share what I have learnt with you and your family.

Sweet dreams!

